
I am Tianyu, a Ph.D. candidate in economics at Yale University. My research studies the distributional consequences of international trade, economic development, and growth.

Contact me at tianyu.fan@yale.edu. Here is my Curriculum Vitae.

Working Papers

  1. The Labor Market Incidence of New Technologies.
    Draft Available Upon Request


  1. Growing Like India: The Unequal Effects of Service-Led Growth.
    Coauthors: Michael Peters, Fabrizio Zilibotti
    Econometrica, Vol 91, No 4, 2023
    Links: [Paper], [Corrigendum], [Draft], [VoxDev], [I4I]

Work in Progress

  1. Is the Whole the Sum of its Parts? The Effects of Partial Automation on Jobs, Demand for Skills, and Wages.
    Coauthor: Pascual Restrepo
  2. Measuring Inflation Inequality with Incomplete Prices.
    Coauthors: Olivia Ding, Kan Yao